Trisha Cook - Sydney Doula
My name is Trisha and I am a mum to five wonderful children, wife and doula.
I embarked on my journey of supporting births before I even knew what a doula was, supporting friends and family members through their own births, knowing that I could make a difference and provide support when needed.
Being welcomed to witness such a special time in their lives is such an honour.
√ Doula for 70+ happy families since 2007
√ Has personally experienced 2 VBACS & assisted in many more as a doula.
√ Has personally experienced 2 Water Births & assisted in many more as a doula.
√ Has personally experienced 2 Home Births of my own & more as a doula.
√ Has supported IVF pregnancies, VBAC, Twins, Gestational Diabetes & other “high risk” pregnancies.
√ Doula Qualifications Completed.
√ Prices include photography of your birth if you wish.

My Experience & Qualifications
I decided to train as a doula through Childbirth International in 2007 when I was pregnant with my last child. After having two natural births with my first two sons I experienced a caesarean section for breech presentation with my third baby and felt that my voice wasn’t heard, that I wasn’t given a choice other than a surgical birth. Norwest Doula Services was born soon after.
While my caesarean birth wasn’t a negative experience it was one that left me with so many questions and feeling very unsupported in my sons birth. I went on to have my two beautiful daughters through very empowering VBAC (vaginal birth after caesarean) home water births supported by independent midwives.
I have extensive experience with breastfeeding, and of course the issues that can occur along the way as well. I have breastfed all of my children, all to different ages. I have been a young mum and also gone back after a seven year break, so I know the trials on both sides.
What I do and why I love it!
I feel that being a doula is my true calling, I love the continuity of care and that I’m not finishing my shift halfway through a mothers labour. I get to support you the whole way through. How fantastic is that!
I provide support from when we meet during your pregnancy until after your baby is born. I am blessed to witness families growing as some come back to share their second & third babies births with me also. I have also been honoured to support families as they welcome their Rainbow baby (a baby after miscarriage or loss) in to their lives, such a very special moment to share in.
I am extremely passionate about VBAC’s and assisting women to achieve their desired birth as much as I possibly can. After having 2 VBAC’S of my own I know just how very special and healing they can be to a birthing mother. Yes it’s hard work, but so is everything worth having.
My second passion is photography and I am happy to bring this service to you too. I can provide you with some fantastic labour and birth photos, capturing your first moments with your baby.
My belief on birth is that it is a natural and everyday occurrence. Childbirth is not something to be feared, rather a time to enjoy and look forward to. No matter what your choices are in your birth I will be there to support you. I am comfortable in supporting you at your home until you move to your chosen birth location or your midwife joins us if birthing at home.
I will provide you with information so you can make informed decisions regarding your birth, information that enables you to be empowered. I don’t claim to empower women for I believe you do your own empowering, I can however give you the tools to do just that.
Being a doula in Sydney has provided me with a diverse range of clients and birthing experiences over the years, I welcome and embrace the differences that each individual woman brings to her own birth.
Whether you’re birthing via Caesarean, VBAC, Medicated or Unmedicated, Waterbirth, Birth Centre, Hospital or Home, Single mum, Teen mum or an Older mum, a doula is there to support you through your journey.
I want to assist you in making your birth an empowering and memorable experience.