Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE, the word itself says, “I’M POSSIBLE” – Audrey Hepburn
Vaginal Birth After Caesarean (VBAC)
Are you planning a VBAC in Sydney? You’ve come to the right place!
You’re pregnant and have had a caesarean previously, and as you are reading information on Vaginal Birth After Caesareans (VBAC) it’s pretty safe to assume you are looking in to having one this time around.
Informing yourself, doing research and ensuring you have good, experienced support will set you on the right path to achieving your VBAC birth. Quiet often we can get snowed under with all the information that is out there, but being truly informed on everything regarding VBACS gives you the very best of chances.
It was once said “Once a caesarean, always a caesarean”, this is not the case.
Many primary caesarean sections are done unnecessarily when all was needed was a little more time for mum or baby.
You can plan your VBAC anywhere that you find a supportive caregiver, which may be at a public hospital or birth centre with Midwives, a private hospital with an Obstetrician, or a homebirth with an Independent Midwife. Research shows that when your labour is supported by a doula that you are more likely to achieve your VBAC birth.
Where you give birth and the care providers you choose really do make a difference. Make your choices informed ones!

Weigh up the Benefits vs Risks for a VBAC.
The risk of uterine rupture is something that we may be fearful of. A uterine rupture from a prior caesarean with a low-transverse scar is a rare event and occurs in less than 1% of women labouring for a VBAC. According to the National Institutes of Health, 992-993 women out of 1,000 give birth without the complication of a uterine rupture. Giving birth vaginally is safe for most mothers and babies, with less down time than a repeat caesarean and less complications, immediate skin to skin contact and no delay in breastfeeding (if that is your choice), it is not surprising that more women are wanting a VBAC birth. Research shows when attempting a VBAC “Most series report a likelihood of vaginal birth in the range 60-80%.”*On a personal note, I have been blessed to support many VBAC labours and births, with the majority of mothers pushing their babies out. To hear a mum announce after she has birthed her baby “I pushed a baby out of my vagina!” is honestly one of the best things ever. To witness that “I did it” moment, to capture those images for parents, to share in their joy, it is all just amazing. I have had 2 VBAC births myself and know just how very rewarding they are.
Contact me and we can talk about your VBAC and how I can support you in your birthing plans.
*Turner MJ, Agnew G, Langan H. Uterine rupture and labour after a previous low transverse caesarean section. BJOG 2006 Jun; 113 (6): 729-32.