Guest Blogger: Libby Nuttall Creator of Miracle Months We all know the common symptoms of pregnancy, back aches, restless legs, lethargy, fatigue, the list goes on. So what if there was a way to reduce or eradicate some of these aches and pains? Good news! The answer is exercise. Come back in time with […]
May 2016
Mar 2016
Jan 2016
If you’ve had your baby previously through a caesarean section, whether that was planned or an emergency section and you are pregnant again, you will more than likely find yourself curious about VBAC’S (vaginal birth after caesarean). I was in a similar position to you. My 3rd child was born by “elective caesarean” for breech […]
May 2015
Apr 2015
Frequently Asked Questions What is the difference between a Doula and a Midwife ? A midwife is a medically trained professional. She provides prenatal care and attends your birth. She can listen to and assess your babies wellbeing, check cervical dilation and give medical advice. A doula provides continuous labour support, she is there to […]